Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Finally, The secret to all that you desire revealed

     People are always in search of happiness, enjoyment, love, fun and fulfillment. Everything you desire or yearn for, fall in one of the categories stated above, directly or indirectly. All of the actions that a human takes are for these reasons only at the end. We seek money so that it will fulfill our various desires which all boils down to finding happiness, enjoyment, fun and fulfillment,  we yearn to pursue a passionate career, a work that will fulfill us. In the end, all our actions are directed to one or all of the things stated in the first line, they are the essence, the driving force of all the actions humans take. You can cross check this with your own desires and if you look deep into those desires you will see that all of them boils down to one of the 'yearn-ments' listed above.
     And now to reveal one greatest secret that you have come here for. This is the one secret after which knowing and using you will live all your life in total fulfillment, fun, enjoyment, love and happiness. After which whatever activity/work you may be doing, you will always be happy, fulfilled and will enjoy doing it like never before, whatever that activity or work may be. You will no longer be bound to any single activity or act for experiencing happiness and fulfillment, such as watching a movie,  doing whatsapp or engaging in social networking apps, or playing videogames. All the activities which bonded you to do them (such as habits, addictions, etc.) in order for you to experience fulfillment and happiness, will no longer shackle you, and you will be able to experience happiness and fulfillment independent of whether you now engage in those activities or not. You will experience amazing freedom and you will get many many times the happiness and fulfillment that you used to get in activities that you like to engage in and even from those you didn't like to engage in. And this life changing secret is 'Oneness'. Oneness means you let go of all the things which are swirling within your consciousness and totally and exclusively being engaged with only the act/activity/work you are doing right now, in the present. Most people aren't able to do this because they cannot let go of their various attachments( such as movies, cars, your interaction with various people, and everything that stick and haunt your consciousness wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing), and the reason why they can't let go of their attachments is because they delusionally fear that if they let go they will lose it forever. But let me confirm this to you that you won't lose anything by letting go, but I assure you, you have a lot to gain if you let go and completely get one with what you may be doing right now. You will be able to yield your strongest love when you let go of your attachments, your fears and become absolutely 'one' with what you are engaged in, what you are doing, where you are being. This is the ultimate secret after using which you will find that happiness or fulfillment, joy and fun are not dependent on what activity you may be doing but is actually dependent upon how much engaged and 'one' you become with whatever activity you are doing.

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